Many beginners begin to enlarge their penis by comparing the penis to the biceps. But very soon they stop their training because of almost zero results. Why is this happening? Yes, because the "load rest" scheme we all know that works with bicep gain will NOT work with penis take!
With an increase in the penis, its own growth pattern appears, different from the previous one. What is this scheme, you will learn below.
In this article I will tell you how to properly enlarge a penis so as not to waste your time and get the desired result.
I think you already know how the penis works, know how to properly measure the penis, and are familiar with the "wheel theory. "
penis dimensions
In order to competently enlarge the penis, we need to delve into the issue of measuring various indicators of the penis. I recommend that you treat this moment of your undertakings quite conscientiously so that you can later get a clear picture of your achievements and assess the correctness or deception of the training direction you have chosen. This is an oversight of almost all beginners.

main size, which we will be interested in, is the length of the erect penis using an unpressed ruler, the so-calledNBPEL(from English - Non Bone Pressed Erect Length). This is an English language acronym adopted by the LLP community around the world.
This is exactly the penis size that we see visuallyand we perceive it as the true size of our organ. But that's not entirely true, that's not the whole member.
All of us, even the thinnest, have a layer of belly fat in front of the pubic bone. The so-called "hidden part" of the penis is "hidden" in this layer.
First size, which will interest us in the process of penis enlargement isBPFSL- the length of a stretched relaxed penis with a depressed ruler. It is BPFSL that gives us the true length of our member along with the hidden part. This penis size will be our base size. It's kind of ours"Original, original size".
The second dimension is BPEL- the length of the erect penis with a depressed ruler. It is this size that we will try to increase as a result as a constant size of our erect organ. That is ours"final, final greatness".
I advise you to remember these abbreviations, they will come in handy more than once when increasing the boat, since they are widely used everywhere on thematic forums and on the Internet.
Now we have a schematic representation ofStructure of the penis, and we also know how to get the necessarypenis sizesTo create a training plan, we can move on to the main topic of the topic -How to enlarge a member?
How to enlarge a penis
First you should take measurements on your reproductive organ, namely: Measure your BPFSL and BPEL. And of course NBPEL to compare the end results of your efforts. I advise you to write these indicators in a diary.
We calculate the difference BPFSL - BPEL.
If this difference is within a centimeter(i. e. less than or equal to), then you firstYou need to stretch the tunic.You can do this using the "stretching exercises" on our website, wearing an extender or stretcher, hanging a weight, etc.
Not the essential is important like, the main thing is that you feel good and comfortable.
And if this difference is within 1-3 cm, then stretching the penis is absolutely contraindicated for you!You have to deal exclusively with exercises for "girth" and for the volume of the penis.
But one after anonther.
Temporary penis enlargement
AssumeYour BPFSL - BPEL is less than 1 cm.In layman's terms, the length of your relaxed, stretched penis, with the ruler pressed in, and the length of your erection, also with the ruler pressed in, are nearly the same.
In this case, it is quite logical to assume that increasing the size of your penis should start withenlargement of the outer shell,Tunics Your Penis (Wheel Theory). I repeat, you can stretch your penis in any way that is comfortable for you, but as practice shows,This is where the stretcher works best. It can be belt, knee, depending on where you need to pull, up or down.
An extender works here too, but if a stretcher is handy then a stretcher is obviously preferable.
First, it is worn softer and stealthier than the extender. Hence both times and places where it can be worn more. For example, you can practically live, work and even sleep at night in a belt tensioner that is supplied without a support ring.
And secondly, at this stage of penis enlargement, there is no urgent need to ensure clearfixed length of the stretched rod,as in the period of "result cementing" which you will learn more about below.

This is, so to speak, a temporary increase in membership, a preparatory phase.
If you stop exercising after such an increase, the penis will very soon roll back to its previous size. By the way, many break up with it, abandon their training and have lost confidence in penis enlargement in general.
At this stage, only one thing matters - how well you can stretch the tunic, which, unfortunately, if nothing is filled in, returns to its original position after a while. The result of an increase in the tunic is directly proportional to the time spent wearing the penis stretchers. The longer you wear it, the more you grow.
cementing the results
Once you have stretched the tunic like thisachieved a BPFSL-BPEL difference of 2. 5-3 cm. You need to stop stretching your penis and doing vascular exercises!
You can find some of these exercises on our website, some on the internet or somewhere else, it doesn't matter.
The most important thing is to wear the same length extender after these exercises!You must rest the stretch and only support what has already been stretched.In no case can you increase the length of the extender during this period, even if it seems to you that the penis in it sags!
What is the point of wearing a constant length extender?
As we know from the structure of the penis, the male organ consists of a spongy body (corpus spongisum) in which the urinary canal runs, and two body cavities (corpora cavernosa) which do not stretch well, but the cells inside which divide welland multiply. And the outer shell (tunic) that wraps all these three chambers, which, on the contrary, stretches very well, but does not know how to "keep its shape" - there are no cells in it that can divide and multiply (veryfew) As soon as we remove the pulling action, it returns to its original state, like rubber.
So the task of wearing a constant length extender is to keep the tunic in a moderately stretched state long enough to give the cells of the internal bodies time to divide and multiply in the envelope, locating mainly in thedirection to expand and to fill with itself whatever space was available to them within that shell. If we don't do this after vascular exercises, the cavernous cells don't have a place to stretch and divide.
In this way we stimulate the inner structures of the penis and give them additional potential for cell division and reproduction.
Here, of course, the extender works best of all devices, even without options. He should not increase the shell, not stretch it, but keep it in a slightly stretched state. And only the extender "knows how" to keep the penis at a fixed length, since there are rigid rods in its design. Therefore, it is impossible to increase the length of the extender during this period.
Wearing a constant-length extender after vascular exercises speeds up the process of cell division in the penis. This stage is slang called Nuper-s (natural penis enlargement)."Cementing Results"!

As you can see, the scheme is very simple and logical - to increase the penis as a whole, you must first increase the penis sheath (we stretch the tunic with a stretcher). After that, we necessarily increase the contents of this shell (we hit it with "vascular exercises"), otherwise it will return to its previous dimensions, and finally we "cement" (with an extender) the results obtained!
Once the length of your erect limb approaches the length of the stretched limb, repeat this cycle over and over until we get the results you want!